Climate Strike
Flossmoor, IL
2020, Senior, Art
This fall, I was fortunate enough to be able to attend the climate strike in Chicago. My friends and I made posters and joined together with thousands of other students and environmentalists to raise awareness of the global crisis. Being at that event was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. The source photo for my piece "Climate Strike" was inspired by a photo of my friend and I standing on posts above the chanting crowd. I felt so inspired that day. While protests alone won't spark the long-term change that our planet needs, the awareness it raises is impactful. In order to make a big difference, we need to start with ourselves. Simple things like composting, carpooling, recycling, and avoiding disposables will all add up gradually to make a big difference. In order to conquer climate change, the steps need to be broken down. This isn't a problem that can be solved in a day. This year, I have made it my goal to scarcely use disposable plastics and be cognizant of my daily waste. I carpool with my friends and walk whenever possible. I pick up litter when I see it and use the abuse to the environment that I witness to inspire my action. My anger towards indifference is projected into my artwork to promote awareness and inspire personal change.