A Storm’s Call to Action
Andover, MA
2024, Senior, Art: Handcrafted (2024 – )
My artwork was deeply inspired by my own experience of a sudden change in weather which has alarmed me of the recent events, specifically climate change. The artwork that I painted was a scene of my perspective of the biggest storm I’ve felt in a town where weather like this is highly unusual. As depicted in the painting, trees were obliterated, dorms were down, and it hailed and rained to the point where my face started to feel like it was peeling. I chose this moment to capture as it deeply affected my point of view of climate change and its consequences. I connected this experience to art as art has no restrictions and is a very direct and pure form to deliver a point of view and my motive, more than words. As I was working on this painting, it felt free and evocative. Not only did I want my viewers to realize that climate change is a matter that must be talked of, but acted upon. I was also once someone who heard about the topic and sort of brushed it off as I felt no direct influence, however, after taking a life-risking blow from its effects, I realized its effects and consequences and it became my effort for people to have the same degree of awareness as I currently do. Based on my research, I learned that the weather change I have felt, not only directs its consequences toward humans but on a more challenging scale, ecosystems and animals are already at an exponential rate of extinction. For this reason, I am currently and will continue to spread the word about climate change through art and also participate in spreading the word and protest so that the word of climate change can spread to many people and higher officials.