Crushing Our Ocean
Palo Alto, CA
2018, Senior, Art (2014 – 2023)
Our ocean is the protagonist of the tragic story about global warming. All along, our ocean has been responsible for cleaning up our mess by absorbing 20-50% of the constant emission of carbon dioxide from fossil fuels in our industries. We fail to accept ourselves as the antagonists or the villains - the cause of deterioration in our ocean. To portray this crisis of ocean acidification, I depicted humans as the antagonist of the story using devilish, black, and gnarly hands. The hands are made of the carbon dioxide emissions from our factories. They are wrapped around the pure ocean as the black “evilness,” or carbon dioxide, leaves the hand and mixes in, slowly tainting and destroying it. Inside the ocean, a polar bear cries in agony as it melts on the minuscule piece of iceberg left from global warming. The colorful fish are floating in the ocean, unable to endure the acidity and disrupted ecosystem. The corals on the sides of the ocean are turning black from our hands, losing its once brilliant color. Just like this, we are slowly crushing our ocean into an unrecognizable clump of perished organisms. I hope that through my drawing, I can change our mindsets by having us realize the harmful effects we have on our environment. My goal is to compel everyone to alleviate the ocean conditions by lessening the carbon dioxide emissions.