Do You Sea What I Sea?
Tuscaloosa, AL
2022, Junior, Poetry & Spoken Word
I see the bottle top off the soda pop
It would have been so easy for you to drop
In a can and not on the land
Do you Sea what I Sea?
There are fish out there that want to live
They are the ones that can put dinner on your plate
So please clean up behind yourself before it’s too late.
Lids from cans, trash from either a woman or a man
A deflated raft and a fish net with a string
Come on I mean
Those are the things that don’t belong there
Please take time and look around and beware
Of what you are doing to our climate
It’s about to be totally out of control
Before you know it, we won’t have a tree to hold
We won’t have a grain of sand to wiggle between our toes
We may not even have a tissue to blow our nose
If we would just take time to do what we should do
and act like humans and not like animals are supposed to
Take your time and relax your mind
and if you take something to the Ocean or Beach
When you leave, make sure it is in your trunk behind your seat
If you don’t, our oxygen levels may be low and our carbon dioxide may be high
If you don’t want your fish swimming with a missing nose or one eye
Or turning blue cause their gills have been filled with plastic from your bottle
Or a piece of metal from your cracked boat throttle
So listen to me
Do you Sea what I Sea?

I am interested in trying to help my community where I live be in better condition. I feel sad for animals in the ocean that died because people are polluting the waters. I want to help other students and teachers learn about how they can be ocean-aware so that we can continue to have nice and clean beaches to go to. If we all do just a little bit, it can help a whole lot.