Fate of the Earth
Los Angeles, California
2019, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
Every day I see a new article on the news, sometimes it’s about the life-chanting effects of global warming, other times it’s about the rising pollution that continues to tarnish our Earth. Every time I see these articles, I want to help, and I feel that creating an art piece would be raising awareness by doing one of my hobbies. I read magazine articles about climate change, and I researched information about it until I felt I was well informed enough to start my art piece. Instead of creating a vision that would show people the overview of climate change and the cause of it, I wanted to show the effect, the future of it. The earth being crushed by human hands is a symbol for the earth being controlled by mankind, and the factories that produce pollution being underwater is a symbol for how pollution not only affects us but also ocean animals. In the process of creating this art piece, I was able to learn more about how climate change is not something that should be taken lightly, especially now where it has gotten to a disastrous point. It causes the sea level to rise, animals are being forced out of their homes, and there are extreme floods. I wanted to help out to stop climate change, and even after this competition I will volunteer my community service hours to helping the animals who are the victims of climate change. I will also try to reach out to and support organizations who are fighting climate change. it isn’t something that I can fix completely, but I believe that a person who helps can turn into a group of people that can make a big impact if they help.