Hello My Name Is
Seoul, Republic of Korea
2023, Junior, Art
Climate Hero: Valeria Vergara
Echolocation helps whales to detect locations of objects or other animals through the reflected sound. This being a vital part of communication among the species, noise pollution significantly hinders the species' well-being. My research led to learning about Dr. Valeria Vergara. Her work stood out mainly because she had discovered that Beluga whales use “acoustic name tags” to identify each other within their pods. This fact opened up a new insight and led me to make this artwork. I created a mixed-media artwork by collaging colored paper in the background to represent the sound waves of the echolocation and incorporating sculpted Beluga whales on top. Each whale has a name tag written in sound waves, instead of letters. The artwork highlights the uniqueness of Belugas’ socialization. By doing so, I hope my viewers realize that they, as a community, can act together to make a positive impact on the marine ecosystem.