ode to my mother
Providence, RI
2023, Senior, Poetry & Spoken Word
Climate Hero: Heidi Vazquez
my childhood is written in nature
inscribed in the sticky floss of milkweed seeds
erupting from their pearl-shined husks,
across the dusted silver leaves of autumn olive trees
in beaches where the sea sparkles sapphire
beneath the midday sun.
my parents opened this world to us
pointed out cerulean sky, rich soil, glimmering surf.
my mother drove us forty-five minutes so we could attend
the school she taught at, so we could
grow up running barefoot through the June-lush grass
and coax swiss chard and strawberries from stubborn soil.
it is because of her i know
the silky milkweed razed for fields,
despite the sanctuary it gives the migrating butterflies.
how the innocuous autumn olive stifles its companions,
how the beaches I played on are choked with plastic.
take nothing for granted.
my mother’s lessons always came with
that slick undertone of warning.
of smoke-choked skies, oceans grimly iridescent
with oil and the folly of innovation.
i noticed with youthful concern the choked beaches, the air
dull with city lights and hot hot summers.
my mother is who i think of when i think of the environment
her wax food wraps, snack pouches, reusable
paper towels, secondhand clothes.
she has taught my brother and i
and countless students how to feelhow to think in this ever-shifting world.
it it because of her that i know the world i live in
i see the orange skies, the bone-dry fields and
the ancient ice melting. i can compost, reduce and recycle,
take the bus and buy sustainable.
yet the most important thing she taught me
was that my actions carry consequences.
the single-use plastic cup will
outlive humanity. this air conditioning
will burn a hole through the sky.
the most important thing is to teach the next generation
so they can avoid the mistakes of their ancestors
and began, carefully, anew.
When I saw the theme of this year's Contest, I immediately thought of my mother. I though the medium of poetry would be the best way to express my admiration. I went through several drafts before settling on this one, and made sure to incorporate many of my childhood memories and the way she has impacted my and others' lives. I adore writing and enjoyed creating this piece because it allowed me to reflect on her and the impact she has created. She has done so much for my brother and me to make sure we are aware of the effect we have on this earth, and to make sure we experience the best of it. She is also a teacher who has organized many environmental impact projects and taught a very environmentally conscious curriculum. We learned about ocean erosion, invasive species, the importance of gardening, and more. I have carried her teachings with me my entire life, and I know my classmates have as well. What is more important than teaching the next generation? She has done so much for me and my community, and that is why she is my climate hero.