2020, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)

Nature is very powerful. When I was organizing a fund-raising program for the Australian bushfire, I saw that there were plants growing on burnt tree bark. However, we are destroying a lot of nature's strength and it is becoming very slow. I believe that we/humans can use science to help speed up nature's recovery. In the future, many scientists will help our planet together, and one of them is going to be me. The Earth inside my head represents everyone in the world. We may invent things that melt plastic or maybe something that can automatically clean the whole ocean; nobody knows! The tree ring represents time as each ring marks a complete year in the tree's life. Despite how the middle of the tree ring represents the present, as we go on, we will be able to make a change and improve our climate, protect precious lives, and save animals such as sea turtles, adélie penguins, clown fishes, and whales. Just like how the tree ring becomes better after time passes by, I believe that nature’s resilience is strong, and we will always have hope. When I was drawing this piece, I gradually learned more information on climate change, pollution, and how every little thing we do is affecting and changing the world. I am going to study hard and become a biologist who will protect the environment.