Thriving Corals: Where Science Meets Art
Bydgoszcz, Poland
2020, Junior, Interactive & Multimedia
Project Description: Thriving Corals has been exploring the possibilities of learning through technology and we found our way. Our free online courses are available, our Instagram page is up and running, and so is our YouTube channel where we try our best to answer questions about the underwater world or climate change – quite often, these two come in pairs, just as art and science do. Our submission is the result of our work for more than 150 hours. It is what we really believe in and what we think can help the world. It includes the illustrations we made, photography, website design, online courses, free educational materials… but the best part of it all is that there is a place for development. We go out and about searching for new adventures, answers to questions, solutions to climate change, and ocean conservation issues. We keep on thriving and we hope that everyone around us will, too!
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Thriving Corals was inspired by the breathtaking landscapes of the underwater world. We have been devastated by the damage we have all done to our planet. But there's still hope! We are excited to see people getting involved in issues such as ocean conservation and climate change. Our main intention was to show that little actions like changing your sunscreen or choosing to walk to school can influence what is happening on the other side of the world, for example, to coral reefs. We want to showcase the power that science and art have together. We started to realize that a bad habit can be the cause of climate change. After educating ourselves more on the topic, we know how to avoid hurting our environment and how to get others involved. Now we’re aware that it depends on the individual to spark change. Teenagers that fight for the planet alongside us give us hope, make us want to continue doing what we do, and inspire us to be better human beings. Before starting the project, we thought we were doing as much as we could. Now that we have improved our lifestyles, it's time to work on our project long-term.