Ushinawareta Umi (Lost Ocean)
Sioux Falls, SD
2019, Senior, Art (2014 – 2023)

A magical scene--layers of bodies and textures glittering in the forest. One’s gaze lands on an unfamiliar nest in a tree and winds along the page through trails of ginkgo, petals, and twinkles. A tanuki longs for connection to the others, striving for immersion into the aura of affinity. My intention for this surreal piece is to inspire viewers to reflect upon the interconnection between all biospheres, that the vitality of each aspect of the natural world is essential for maintaining the health of the Earth as a whole. The ocean, represented by the sea anemone, is particularly crucial for the proper function of every other ecosystem on Earth. Destruction inflicted on this vital resource will only spread--overfishing, ocean dead zones, and especially the far-reaching implications of climate change not only impacting the creatures of the depths, but countless lives on land as well. I was inspired to create this piece after two years of volunteering at my city’s Butterfly House and Aquarium as a Tidal Pool Exhibit Interpreter. I spend each shift gazing at magnificent sea creatures (namely sea anemones, sea cucumbers, abalones, sea stars, and sea urchins), noticing how they change over the months. The beauty of their shapes, colors, and movements is not only alluring -- but is essential. These ocean creatures must be protected from the damage of climate change in order for their vital functions to be carried out, preserving the health of the oceans and by extension, the whole Earth.