Contest Workshops for Educators
October 17-19

Are you looking to extend your student’s work beyond the classroom? Have you ever wondered how to amplify your student’s creative voice in the fight against climate change?

For over a decade, Bow Seat has provided students worldwide with a platform to speak out against environmental injustice and advocate for their future through art, writing, film, music, dance, and more in our award-winning environmental art contest. Students can win awards of up to $1,000, contribute to the largest collection of youth environmental arts in the world, and join a global community of more than 30,000 youth speaking up for our planet.

“It’s been incredibly inspiring to see students approach these issues through the lens of creativity, and see their voices valued as part of the solution.” – Dianna McDowell, Environmental Studies Program Teacher and 2022 Educator Innovation Award Winner

Bow Seat is pleased to offer free, virtual Contest Workshop for Educators to make it as easy as possible to bring the Contest into your classroom. Join Contest Program Director, Eric Carstens, to learn more about the Contest, get some behind-the-scenes tips for helping your students stand out, and meet other like-minded educators. 

After the workshop, you will receive a packet of materials, including lesson plans and worksheets to help bridge the gap between arts and environmental advocacy in your classroom. 

We are pleased to offer two different opportunities to participate. Please sign up for whatever date/time best suits your schedule. If neither of these times work for you, reach out and we can connect.

Register for October 17, 3:00 PM EDT>

Register for October 18, 4:30 PM EDT>

The Workshops are free, but you must register to participate and receive the supplemental materials afterward.

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Contest Workshops for Educators