Our World of Waste
Savage, MN
2022, Junior, Art
After a very long brainstorming phase I decided I wanted to do something that wasn’t directly funny. Something that forces people to think, and perhaps search, more than necessary. My compass, made from paper and labeled with cutouts from magazines, shows four words; Negligence in place of North, Extinction for East, Spilth for South, and Waste for West. These four words are the main base of my thinking expedition. These cardinal directions, though unconventional, also bring up some questions; what does this mean for future generations? How do we stop this? What are we doing that is causing this? In order to create the continents, I collected garbage from friends and family. It was shocking to see how much I collected in just a couple weeks, even while being very selective with colors. This project has certainly put my understanding of how much we waste into new light!