A Sea of Regrets
El Paso, TX
2020, Senior, Art
Every day, we thoughtlessly release harmful garbage into the environment that threatens the livelihoods of innocent creatures. I feel that this comes so easily to humans only because many have yet to truly understand the creatures that are harmed. If we could see for ourselves the boundless potential inside just one creature, perhaps guilt would wash over us just as the tides wash over plastic-ridden shores. Perhaps then we could finally make strides to end the cycle of torment we pour into our tired seas. This is why I depicted the turtle's shell as transparent, revealing the utter expansiveness within an animal that we all too often fail to recognize when eliminating our waste. I want the viewers of my artwork to be inspired by the girl I've depicted to take a moment and "peer into the shell of a turtle", as it were, before leaving garbage where it could harm them and countless other animals.