Breath of Life
Grodno, Belarus
2018, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
Having studied the problems related to ocean pollution and climate change, I started having ideas: "What if for a moment people changed places with the marine inhabitants? If the ocean becomes a home for people, will they hammer it with various garbage, including toxic waste, knowing that the currents in the seas quickly place pollutants over long distances from the place of their release?" I think they would not. After all, a home is a place where you spend time with your family, resting in warmth and comfort. And I thought: "Everything starts with home education, with a culture built into the family. Attitude towards the ocean must be laid down from an early age, as part of something important in this world." It is necessary to place more information on the existing problem in children's literature, magazines, animated films, board games, computer games, posters, pictures, etc.