Chaotic Progress
Glendale, CA
2018, Senior, Art (2014 – 2023)
I wanted to convey a feeling of chaos in the world, caused by human industrialization polluting the earth. In exchange for new technologies and pursuing fast industrialization, we forget about how much damage we do to the natural environment. In my artwork, I wanted to reflect that with the mass amount of colors, representing the pollution throughout the atmosphere and spilling out of “humanity’s mouth, filling up everything and leaving a barren land. What inspired me to make my art piece this way was because I thought it would be interesting to take on a more abstract approach to the issue when creating it, primarily using colors to invoke the chaotic and haphazard feelings. Climate change personally is something I worry about, since it’s very easy for me to witness the negative effects of human actions, living near the coast. Through my work, I hope to get some minds to shift gears to protecting the world against climate change.