Harmony of Um and Yang in the Universe
Langley, Canada
2023, Junior, Art
Climate Hero: Elizabeth Kolbert, The New Yorker
The climate activist I chose is Elizabeth Kolbert, author of "The Sixth Extinction: An Unnatural History" and a staff writer of The New Yorker. Like the message of biodiversity that Elizabeth Kolbert entailed in her book, I decided to make the visual focus of my artwork a vast, balanced world with attention on life forms other than human beings. Almost all the animals and plants from my art are endangered or critically endangered on the ICUN red list. They include the northern sea otter, the vaquita, and the green labeo. "Um and Yang of the Universe" gives the viewer an otherworldly visual that represents how our reality will look like if Kolbert's hope for humanity to recover Earth becomes a truth. From honoring Kolbert's ideas to recognizing the sublimity of nature, my artwork also uses Asian metaphysical philosophy to represent the animals. Through my artwork, I aim to bring wonder, raise awareness, and inspire action for a sustainable future. By collaborating with organizations like Bow Seat and utilizing my artistic skills and passion, I wish to contribute to the collective effort in protecting and preserving our home planet for future generations. It is through unison and shared responsibility that we can foster a world where humans and other life forms can flourish in harmony.