Ocean in Need
Sunnyvale, CA
2019, Junior, Performing Arts
Obviously, the ocean is my inspiration. It has always been since I was very little. I always thought I was a mermaid who loves swimming and going to the beach. I love to visit the clean ocean like in Waikiki, Hawaii, and Capitola, California. However, I feel sad to visit dirty beaches like when I visited Bali, Indonesia. I wonder if it has something to do with the fact that in Bali, the regulations to protect the ocean have not been in place, or if the goal of the society is merely to make money from the production of goods. I started with the lyrics as I learned about ocean acidification. I feel sad for the little fish and all the living things whose lives depend on the ocean. Knowing its current condition, I thought that we the people have the power to help. We can use our knowledge and wisdom to help. I hope by keeping the song up-tempo with positive messages, it will lift our spirits to do random acts of kindness toward the ocean. My song is calling up for some actions for each of us to save the world by saving the ocean. I dream of everyone dancing and singing as we clean up the beach or clean up our acts. We all connected by one ocean!