One Mind at a Time
Mississauga, Canada
2020, Senior, Film
Something very prominent in our society is the concept of “out of sight, out of mind.” The aim of our video was to visually demonstrate climate statistics whose gravity can be difficult to comprehend. We wanted viewers to visualize the state of the world and understand the large part they play in aiding it. The main idea was that every action, big or small, has an impact. We were inspired by our own source of hope; unity. Understanding that we are not alone in combating this crisis gives us hope. Seeing protesters flood the streets to campaign for change gives us hope. Government action gives us hope. Small eco-friendly transformations from friends and family give us hope. Hope is all around us, we just have to be willing to see it. Once we have hope, we will be unstoppable in sharing and achieving the goal of climate restoration. Overall, our goal with this piece was to demonstrate the negative impacts of the climate crisis, but rather than making viewers feel powerless in resolving the crisis, we included success stories and inspirational metaphors to inspire our audience to take action.