Our Planet Our Future
Los Angeles, CA
2020, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
While creating this piece of art, the main idea that I wanted to really bring out was the potential that the earth has to become a better place to live if people did their jobs and took care of it. Climate change is essentially caused by one thing only: us. Our greenhouse gas emissions. Our carbon footprint. Our pollution. These are all things that we have contributed to that have caused coral reefs to die or the dens of polar bears to collapse. Each year that we continue to disregard climate change as a serious problem, it becomes even more of a danger to our home. Most people don't realize how much of an effect their daily actions have on climate change, and even when they do, they don't know what they can do to make a difference. We can do things like using alternative sources of energy like solar or wind and utilizing environmentally-friendly transportation systems like electric cars and bikes. Even though it may seem like changing your ways might not make a difference, if you can spread awareness and make an effort to change, it may have a bigger impact than you realize. Now that I have learned about the effects of climate change, I will try my best to also take these steps to limit my pollution and energy usage, and maybe soon we can come closer to the goal of ending climate change.