Rubber Ducky
Santa Clara, CA
2021, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
By 2100, all the the ice caps on our planet could melt. Rising sea levels may cause coastal cities now known as Tokyo, New York, and Shanghai to become the cities of Atlantis. What kind of future does this leave for generations to come? My digital artwork takes place in what I envision to be a sunken metropolis in the future. In my piece, the rubber ducky, a silly and adorable squeaky toy many children have in the bathtub, is sinking to the ocean floor. What we haven’t or fear to realize is the toll that global warming is slowly but surely taking on us. Something I’ve come to notice was the summers becoming hotter and hotter each year. The days I’d use to spend traveling with my family are now the days I stay home with the air conditioning blowing through every vent of the house. What will summers look like in the next few years? In the next 10 years? Our planet could no longer be able to sustain the future of our children. If we continue to turn a blind eye to the impending crisis of global warming, their futures could sink to the bottom of the ocean.