Creating the Cities of the Sea
Ridgefield, NJ
2023, Senior, Art
Climate Hero: Dr. David E. Vaughan, Plant a Million Corals
The inspiration for my creative process was when I started researching coral reefs and learned about their necessity in and out of the seas. I was particularly interested in how people called these coral reefs “cities of the seas.” This got me thinking of corals not just as a sole organism but as an integral part of multiple systems that come together to create the biodiversity of the seas. As I started to research more about these corals, I stumbled across a researcher named Dr. David E Vaughan. He set an ambitious goal of raising one million corals in the span of two years, and he is slowly making that goal possible as he grows thousands of resilient corals using micro fragmentation technology. Through my painting, I wanted to celebrate his work and efforts for the corals, oceans, and the environment. My painting depicts Dr. David E Vaughan’s consistent and commendable work of “creating” these corals, giving them life and vibrancy again. Behind the coral structure are fish and animals that are giving their appreciation of Dr. David E Vaughan’s work. I hope that through my painting, more people will support and celebrate Dr. Vaughan’s work.