Humanity’s Fish Tank
Porter Ranch, CA
2022, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
My art is a type of figurative art, which are a mesh of random ideas derived from my everyday life and interests. I decided to combine heaps of ideas such as the polar bear on a melting glacier, the human walking a squid, future city life, and a fish tank into one whole piece. All in all, the unusual events occurring in the fish tank represents life in the future in a metaphorical sense. Moreover, I am interested in the arts because it's a way to express and define my feelings whilst creating a whole other world that does not exist in reality. Working on this art piece for many days did tire me out, but the finished product gave me a tsunami of satisfaction, relief, and awe at my accomplishments. My message to the viewers of my artwork is that people should not only focus on the present, but also on the future as it could immensely impact future generations.