Melting Point
Las Vegas, NV
2024, Senior, Art: Digital (2024 – )
I remember last June of 2023 when my city hit 100°F for the first time. This year, 2024, we hit our first 100°F over a month earlier. It was so hot that the pavement appeared to melt, and walking outdoors felt like entering an oven. Our air conditioner broke down, making it nearly impossible to get relief from the scorching sun. However, we were very lucky to not suffer any serious consequences from the heat. Through my research of global warming, I’ve learned that humans are not the only ones being affected; animals are suffering too. Animals were the first to suffer from our actions causing climate change, and no one seemed to care. How many beings have to suffer before it’s too late? "Melting Point" is one of my first pieces with profound meaning. The woman in the artwork is in visible distress as the sun appears to melt her, symbolizing our society's gradual collapse under the unresolved crisis of climate change. The hands that wraps around her represent humanity's self-sabotage, illustrating how we have contributed to climate change. The animals surrounding her, the species most affected by climate change, are depicted as slowly melting away alongside the woman, underscoring their vulnerability. The coral reefs also express endangerment. The emotions I experienced while creating this piece were a mix of empathy and anger. I despise the heat, yet I am empathetic because I recognize my privilege in being able to mitigate its effects. The message to viewers of my artwork is to raise awareness of our environmental effect, which impacts all living beings, not just ourselves.