OUR Climate Story
Almaty, Kazakhstan
2024, Junior, Film
In April 2024, my home country, Kazakhstan, experienced the full horror of Earth's changing climate - terrifying floods that destroyed infrastructure and paralyzed life in my city. However, I realized that this inevitable disaster was not confined to just our borders. Many countries in Asia, Africa, the Americas, and the world became victims of this global phenomenon. The sight of uncontrolled human activity troubled me. So, I couldn't stand idly by. I began making posters at school, studying the topic, and creating short videos urging action. My main motivation in making this film was a sincere desire to tell the world about the consequences. I wanted people to see and hear the reasons for what is happening right now and to anticipate the horror of a possible future - the drying up of the oceans. I hope that my viewers will realize the "warning from nature," feel the importance of their actions, and join together in united efforts. Not only individuals and states, but all of us together must act!