Public Awareness
Pocasset, Massachusetts
2019 Right Whales, Senior, Art
At Falmouth High School, I am enrolled in AP Environmental Science. Our current unit discusses human impacts on the ocean and marine species. With this topic, we are exposed to the overfishing, bycatch and pollution that has been occurring in our oceans for years. Each one of us has an impact on the health of our ocean and the organisms living within it. There have been local newspaper articles discussing the death of North Atlantic right whales off the shores of Cape Cod in the more recent years. I have grown up on the Cape my whole life so knowing that this is happening right next to me is concerning. I decided to create something to really show what is happening to the right whales. I sculpted a right whale out of clay and hollowed out the inside. After it was bisque fired, I painted it with underglaze. Then used decal paper to transfer the newspaper articles onto the whale. Through this project I learned about how concerning the number of right whales left are. They might go extinct in the next 20 years. Another beautiful creature gone due to humans. It is too late to turn back time, but I know that I can do something to help these whales. With this piece and newly gained knowledge on right whales, I am going to spread the word about their current state and the need to help them.