Refill Not Landfill
Oxnard, California
2016, Junior, Art (2014 – 2023)
Group Members: Hector Tostado, Jennifer Davila, Estevan Arenas, Alexis Pita, Ixtlazily Ramirez

We were inspired to create our mosaic billboard about plastic pollution due to the countless bottle caps littering our campus and thousands of single-use bottles that end up in the landfill, on our beaches, and in our oceans every month. Out of this inspiration we started a school-wide recycling program and embarked on a quest to obtain hydration stations and refillable canteens for our school. The project culminated in the presentation of the data of the recycling program and the mosaic to the school board with a petition for the hydration stations. Not only did the school board agree to provide hydration stations for our school but also all the other schools in the district. The mosaic was the cornerstone of our presentation as it represented the motto, spirit, and purpose of our campaign.