Educator Resources
Educators are important members of the Bow Seat crew, whether you teach in classrooms, in homes, or in out-of-school programs. We respect the incredible work you do to inspire, educate, and engage students in environmental activism and the arts. We could not do what we do without your involvement and support!

Our participating teachers come from all disciplines and often collaborate with colleagues to create cross-disciplinary connections, combining Math + Art, History + Creative Writing, Chemistry + English, Environmental Science + Technology, and more. To help you best leverage Bow Seat’s Ocean Awareness Contest, we have complied resources below, such as lesson plans on climate change and suggested reading on integrating science and art education.
Ocean Awareness Contest
Since 2011, the Ocean Awareness Contest has encouraged students to explore a wide array of critical issues in ocean conservation—including the climate crisis, biodiversity loss, and pollution—with a focus on their connection to humans in their roles as both problem-makers and problem-solvers.
Educators around the world and in every subject have used the Ocean Awareness Contest to teach students about issues facing our blue planet, build students’ critical thinking and creative communication skills, and empower youth to be active stewards of the environment beyond classroom walls.

“The Ocean Awareness Contest offers a fabulous way to enable students to practice the transferable skills of communication, research, and design while doing something real to help the planet. I think it could be integrated into almost any subject area.”

Introducing the Contest
Use this guide to introduce the Ocean Awareness Contest to your students. Whether you have just 5 minutes or a full class period, we’ve got you covered!
View Guide to Introducing the Ocean Awareness Contest >
Flyer and Info Packets
Contest Info for Teachers and Sponsors
All student participants are required to provide the contact information for an Adult Sponsor. This can be a teacher, parent, guardian, mentor, coach, or other supporting adult.
Whether you are a teacher who assigned the Contest as a class project, a parent helping your child explore their creative potential, or an adult who was asked to be a sponsor for a student submitting on their own, your responsibilities are simple: all we need is to be able to contact you in case we have problems getting in touch with your sponsored student.
When your student submits their work, they will be asked to provide your name and email address. You will receive a confirmation email once they submit so that you can have it on record as well.
Yes, Parent/Guardian Consent Forms are required for any participating student under the age of 13. On the first page of the online Contest submission form, select “Yes” to the question “Are you under 13 years old?” and choose an option:
- Provide Consent Electronically. This option sends an electronic Consent Letter to the parent or guardian specified for an e-signature.
- Upload Parent/Guardian Consent Form. This option allows you to upload a signed version of the PDF form. If you would like to upload multiple Consent Forms, combine all forms into one PDF or email the individual forms to us (see below).
- Email Parent/Guardian Consent Form. Choose this option if you would like to email us one or multiple signed Consent Forms, and we will add them to the student’s submission.
Yes! We have many resources in our Resource Studio—including articles, lesson plans, and videos—to help you and your student learn more about climate change issues, and to support project inspiration and planning. Be sure to join our mailing list for important updates about the Contest, as well as for featured resources and special opportunities.
Yes. You may create a single account under your name and submit multiple entries on behalf of your class, but you must submit separate entries for each individual student, unless they are participating as a group.
Bow Seat Lesson Plans
Use these teaching strategies and artwork created by Bow Seat students around the world to introduce discussions about climate change and water issues in your classroom.

Activities and Creative Prompts Inspired by Bow Seat Student Art and Writing

Bow Seat Webinars
See our growing collection of webinar recordings on topics including art as activism, youth environmental leadership, and climate justice.
- Khaled bin Sultan Living Oceans Foundation Coral Reef Ecology Curriculum
- Climate Literacy & Energy Awareness Network Resources (Grades 6-12)
- Years of Living Dangerously: Climate Classroom
- Exploring Climate Change Through Art (Grades 9-12)
- Teach the Earth: Teaching About Climate Change
- Advancing Climate Change Environmental Education: Resources and Suggestions
- Zinn Education Project: Climate Justice Teaching Activities
- Stanford School of Earth, Energy & Environmental Sciences: Climate Change Education (Grades 6-12)
- ClimateChangeLIVE (K-12 resources)
- Planetary Health Alliance: Climate Change Teaching Resources
- Climate Interpreter
- PBS Learning Media: Global and Regional Climate Change
- Teach About Climate Change With These 24 New York Times Graphs
- National Geographic Lesson: Seeing Climate Change
- Pulitzer Center Lesson: Visualizing Climate Change
- 12 Videos to Help Us Understand Climate Change
- All We Can Save Project – For Educators
- Climate Change Lessons for Educators – NASA Jet Propulsion Laboratory
- Special Report on the Ocean and Cryosphere in a Changing Climate
- Fourth National Climate Assessment: Water Chapter
- Fourth National Climate Assessment: Oceans & Marine Resources Chapter
- Water justice: why it matters and how to achieve it
- STEM to STEAM: Effect of Visual Art Integration on Long Term Retention of Science Content
Educator Innovation Awards
Teachers and youth program leaders are encouraged to nominate themselves or a colleague for $500 Educator Innovation Awards, which recognize the creative ways that educators incorporate the Ocean Awareness Contest into their curricula.
Submit a Nomination
Connect With Us
Please share your Bow Seat experience with us! Post a picture on social media and tag us @fromthebowseat, or email us a blurb about what you did, and we’ll feature you with some public kudos.
Questions? Suggestions? We love to hear from our teachers. Contact us >