Youth Opportunities

Student Artist: Yoonji Lim
One of the most common questions we are asked by our alumni and students is: How can I stay involved? This space is an evolving answer to that question, and provides opportunities for you to dive deeper into ocean science and conservation, connect with other young creatives and activists, and showcase your research or campaign at global events.

Student Artist: Yoonji Lim
*This list is by no means exhaustive; you should explore opportunities at your local aquariums, science centers, community arts organizations, and universities.
Have a resource or event to share? Contact us.
Volunteer, Internship & Employment Opportunities
- Climate Reality Project: Youth Programs Internship
- Monterey Bay Aquarium Internships
- Turtle Island Restoration Network Residential Internships
- Marine Conservation Institute Internships
- Tampa Bay Watch Internships
- The Florida Aquarium Internships
- Mote Marine Laboratory & Aquarium Internships
- Marine Discovery Center: Jobs & Internships
- Florida Oceanographic Coastal Center Internships
- Loggerhead Marinelife Center Internships
- Coral Restoration Foundation: Coral Conservation and Reef Restoration Internship
Rhode Island
Washington, DC
- Oceana: Policy Intern
- White House Council on Environmental Quality Internship (Spring, Summer, Fall)
United States
- Student Conservation Association Internships
- NOAA Sea Grant: Community Engaged Internship for Undergraduate Students – Deadline: Varies
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA): Citizen Science Volunteer Opportunities
- Plastic Tides Internships (Remote)
- This is Zero Hour: Social Media Team
- Energy Innovation Capital: VC Industry Research & Data Analytics Remote Externship (Remote) – Rolling Deadline
- Thriving Corals offers opportunities for students to switch roles with teachers and design classes themselves; internships available in education, writing, communication, and online course development
- Indo Ocean Project Internships (Indonesia)
- Archipelagos Institute of Marine Conservation Internships (Greece)
United States
- This is Zero Hour: Social Media Team
- National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration: Citizen Science Volunteer Opportunities
- Thriving Corals offers opportunities for students to switch roles with teachers and design classes themselves; internships available in education, writing, communication, and online course development
Educational Opportunities: Beyond the Classroom
- Ocean S.T.E.A.M. High School Career and Exploration Development (Canada)
- The School for Field Studies: Environmental Study Abroad Programs
- Cape Eleuthera Institute: Gap Year (Bahamas)
- Hurricane Island Center for Science and Leadership offers summer programs that embed students in experiences that leverage the art and practices of science as tools for leadership and social change.
- Ocean Protection Advocacy Kids: The Blue Crew, a virtual club, where students in grades 5-8 with a passion for the ocean to come together to learn about marine science
- Deep Green Wilderness Summer Voyages: Wild Whales (July 20-August 9)
- The Island School: Fall, Spring, or Summer Academic Terms (South Eleuthera, Bahamas)
- Marine Science & Nautical Training Academy: Field Studies in Coral Reef Biology (British Virgin Islands)
Campaigns, Conferences & Events
- Climate Justice Camp, Tanzania– Applications are now open for the third global edition of the Climate Justice Camp, taking place in Tanzania from October 8th-12th! The camp will bring together hundreds of young community leaders from around the Global South to build community, and demand justice! – Deadline: July 7
- International Coastal Cleanup – Clean up your local beach, stream, park, or neighborhood, while recording what you find to help inform research and legislation across the world
- Reef Environmental Education Foundation’s Conservation Challenge – Complete conservation-oriented challenges to earn exclusive stickers—badges of honor for completing each challenge. Jump into citizen science, meet other fish geeks, and have fun learning about ocean life!
Contests, Grants & Scholarships
United States
- Environmental and Climate Change Literacy Projects (ECCLP) & Change Narrative: Share Your California Climate Story, with the possibility of being featured in the ECCLP’s monthly newsletter
- BoatUS Foundation Grassrooots Grants Program provides grants to nonprofit organizations, boating clubs, and student groups for projects that promote safe and/or clean boating
- 53-Word Story Contest – Deadline: 21st day of each month
- National Ocean Sciences Bowl
- Roots Micro-Grants Program – The micro-grants program provides funding of up to $10,000 USD per group to help support youth-led projects, initiatives, research, or campaigns that advocate for climate justice through an intersectional lens. Priority to groups in Latin America, the Caribbean, the Middle East, North Africa, Sub-Saharan Africa, Southeast Asia and South Asia. – Deadline: August 1
- Food and Agriculture Organization of the UN: World Food Day Poster Contest Join the World Food Day Poster Contest and show us your creativity! Design a poster that symbolizes your favourite dish or recipe, representing the importance of diverse, nutritious, safe and affordable foods. Show us what this means to you, your community or the world through art – Deadline: November 8
- Children & Nature Network: Youth Outdoor Equity Leadership Fund (North America) invites young leaders between 16-30 to request up to $500 to increase their personal growth as a leader in the conservation field or to implement projects that create change in equitable access to nature, community health and well being, and justice – Deadline: Rolling
- Sylvia Earle Ocean Conservation Award honors filmmakers whose stories honor people working to protect the world’s oceans – Deadline: Ongoing
- Breakout Film Festival: Monthly Short Film Contest – Deadline: Last day of each month
- MY HERO Contests: Opportunities to share your art, poems, films, songs, or stories about a hero with a global community – Various Deadlines
- Something or Other Publishing: Open call for short story submissions
- Youth Service America: Everyday Young Hero
- Scholastic Art & Writing Awards
Youth-Led Initiatives & Leadership Opportunities
The Clean & Green Initiative (TCAGI) is a youth-led environmental nonprofit organization with 700+ members spanning 30+ countries. We’d love to have you join our team of volunteers who make TCAGI possible; whether you’re a blogger, a social media graphic designer, a video editor, or something else, everyone has something to contribute – and we’d be happy to have you!
- Dallas (TX) Environmental Youth Advisory Council, an initiative that aims to empower and mobilize youth to take proactive steps towards environmental sustainability within the governmental sector
- GenSea, a global community of young ocean advocates united for networking, learning, and collective action to protect and restore our ocean planet.
- MobilizeGreen Youth Conservation Programs offer paid work opportunities for diverse high school students to build leadership confidence, learn new outdoor skills, and make a real difference to the world.
- Society for Women in Marine Science (SWMS) Mentorship Program pairs high school and undergraduate students with SWMS members to guide them in academic and career decisions.
- The Colorization Collective – This youth-led group assists teen artists of color by providing participants with resources and a community of peers and mentors who look like them and share their experiences, with the goal of creating and promoting diversity in the art world through inclusive and accessible means. Check out their outreach and mentorship opportunities!
- FXB Climate Advocates – Join a group of young people who are passionate and committed to climate change: engage with peers, interact with activists, and launch individual or joint advocacy projects.
- Our Climate: “Put a Price On It” Action Team – Join a network of volunteers who are working to advocate for fair and effective carbon pricing policy. You’ll be added to the listserv for occasional updates, included in the Facebook group, and have the opportunity to work on the most important climate fight of our time.
- Project Green Schools: Youth Leadership Council – National Youth Council students are difference-makers who are invited to participate in important environmental regional, national, and world events.
- SEVENSEAS Media University Student Ocean Ambassadors – One ambassador (or team of ambassadors) per university will be responsible for hosting an ocean-themed event on campus each month to spread the word about ocean conservation and sustainable tourism.
- Sunrise Movement – A movement to stop climate change and create millions of good jobs in the process.
- Survey for the House Select Committee on Climate Crisis – Schools for Climate Action and the National Children’s Campaign are working with the House Select Committee on Climate Crisis to collect data and stories from youth climate activists.
- Sustainable Ocean Alliance’s Ocean Leadership Program – Be part of one of the world’s largest network of ocean advocates, joining forces with young leaders taking action in over 140 countries.
- ThinkOcean: Upper Leadership Team – ThinkOcean is an international network of young environmentalists that has more than 40 chapters in 8 different countries. It is searching for college and high school students with a passion for the environment to help organize initiatives such as legislative lobbying, grassroots organizing, awareness campaigns, and hands-on conservation initiatives. Read more about its work and fill out this form to apply.
- US Youth Climate Strike State Lead – Become a State Lead to help build the people power needed to stop climate change by being part of the grassroots movement taking on the fossil fuel industry.
- Zero Hour: Education Campaign Ambassador – Spread the word of Zero Hour and its work around climate and environmental justice in your communities and in your schools.
- Girls Rock in Science and Math (GRISM), an organization that teaches girls in 3rd-5th grade about STEM topics, is looking for high school girls who are interested in starting a chapter in their area.
Youth Art & Writing Communities