Not for Long
Miramar, FL
2023, Senior, Art (2014 – 2023)
Climate Hero: Xiye Bastida, Fridays For Future

Those interested in being part of the change are granted the aspiration of being an artist. The arts are just tools that help us move forward by leaving our mark. Creative minds who think alike will lead to the change we strive to achieve in this world, and I am thrilled to be part of it. The subject of the piece is Xiye Bastida, a young Mexican climate change activist who fights for change by touching the world with her words and actions. I used graphite pencils on the main figure to show the absence of color, similar to Mother Earth decaying due to our actions. The heart was made of colored pencils; it is being held together by recycled yarn that seems to be breaking. It symbolizes the hearts of those who strive for change being united in one heart. Furthermore, I looked into more studies that looked at the negative effects of the wasteful fast fashion industry. The increased levels of carbon dioxide brought on by the combustion of waste, manufacturing pollutants, and the smoke from vehicles being major contributors. Those close to me will hear about my research and be encouraged to quit supporting these businesses. In the end, it is we who will be part of the change if we work for it.