The Coffee House Art Exhibition
Buffalo, NY
2022, Senior, Interactive & Multimedia
Project Description: The Tapestry Charter High School Public Art Team realizes that climate change is negatively impacting coffee. Rising temperatures are reducing coffee growing areas at an alarming rate. As students, we understand how important coffee is to our teachers and how it helps them be nice to us. In order for us to have nice teachers, we MUST protect the coffee.
The Coffee House was an interactive performance installation designed to create community space that allows students to engage with music, art, humor, coffee and discussions around climate change. Work is centered around a large wall mural made with Coffee painted puzzles of coffee puns, coffee jokes, coffee art, climate change themes, and thirsty teachers.
63 Students attended the Coffee House and 40 Students completed the Climate Change Action Pledge. 52 Students used various Climate Change Actions to gain access to the Snack Bar.
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This year for our art expedition, we painted with coffee to depict based off how climate change affects coffee beans. A lot of people depend on coffee to get them going in the morning. The process for creating this art piece was frustrating at first because we all viewed the project differently, but it still ended up representing us all. We want people to understand that climate change impacts our lives and that carbon dioxide is at its highest right now. We can turn recycled goods into works of art to help stop climate change.